Forgive me for being so late- but my husband passed away on January 8, and I just haven’t done much except things pertaining to that. But I’m taking baby steps to finding out what my new normal is going to be, and of course nail polish is part of my normal!
So I had tons of favorites for the year, but I narrowed it down to 22 (see what I did?). And it was hard, lol. I’ll mention my honorable mentions at the end. In no particular order, except the last one which is my favorite for the year (spoiler, it’s not a pink!)!
Let’s start with a recent one, Cupcake Polish Giving Gifts. I rarely wear red, but this was stunning. It sparkles and glows and is just gorgeous.

Next up was Polished for Days Aisling. Chronologically, this was the first polish in 2022 that I liked enough to put on my favorites list. Because it’s gorgeous!

Daveen Lacquer Screwball- three thin coats and it was so so pretty! I was worried when I first started painting my nails that it would be too sheer, and it is sheer as you can see, but boy did I end up liking it, and it ended up on my list!

Then- another red?!?!?!? I pulled out a Pretty Serious polish, Chariots of the Red Sea.

Then Glam The Last Jedi. I wore this for May the 4th (hence the stamping, lol). And it’s gorgeous!

Then a gorgeous green, Garden Path Lacquer Datura. I love this polish, it’s so gorgeous! I’m a sucker for green polish.

Then Kathleen & Co Orion Nebula. The best Barbie pink shimmer ever.

Next up is JReine Reef Queen. There was JReine drama, so I haven’t bought from them for awhile, but this is gorgeous! As usual in my yearly favorites, lots and lots of pink!

Now NailedIt Peppermint Bark- I wore this at Christmas and it’s so pretty! A shimmery white base with little red flakies, perfect name for this polish!

Then Music City Beauty Never Give Up (my only Music City polish! That should change!). I adore the greenish shimmer in this beautiful pink base!

Then Different Dimension Thanks a Melon- I wore this on vacation, I always wear hot pink nails for vaycay! Another gorgeous Barbie pink shimmer!

Danglefoot Multipass is stunning. I love this shade of orangey pink, and the shimmer is gorgeous!

Then I wore Wildflower Life, Uh, Finds a Way. Another stunning green.

Then Fair Maiden Unbreakable. I love a glowy purple with blue shimmer!

Then I pulled out a Colors by Llaroe. I was late to her brand, she has since closed, but the polishes I have of hers are gorgeous! This is Boom Chicka Wow Wow, and I love the color but the name is so fun! This bright coral with a pink shimmer is gorgeous!

Then a brand I have just a few of, Grace-Full, this is from Polish Pickup, Luminous Wings. It’s a stunning pink! And the formula is great!

Next is from a new to me brand, Polish Molish. I believe they’re Russian. This is Floss Like a Boss, I love this polish but it was a weird inspo of flossing videos. I hate flossing, I can’t imaging watching videos about it, but it takes all kinds, lololol. Such a cool mix of glitters in a really reactive thermal base!

Then Tonic Necromantic. I miss Tonic Polish! This is a great vampy color! And my nails were shorter when I wore this, and I love dark colors on shorter nails.

Now, a fabulous orange Bee’s Knees Lacquer, Papa Yaga. Love this, and opaque in 3 coats (some BKLs still have VNL after three coats). Isn’t that shimmer beautiful?

Another new brand to me, Scales Lacquer, put out a polish called Krampus. I wore this at Christmastime this year, and it instantly went on my list. I only got this polish because I was ordering from color4nails and I needed one more polish for free shipping, lol. So I took a chance, and boy do I love this polish! It’s even more gorgeous in person!

Next up is Pahlish Glampires. Love a pink Halloween polish! And this is soooo pretty! You can see in the closeup there is a bit of a green shimmer

Then, to my very favorite polish of 2022, Paradox iMac G3. I LOVE white glitter crellies if they have a great formula and rainbow glitters- this one is SPOT ON!! The formula is spot on, the glitters are amazing, there’s shimmer, the base is nice and white, it’s really the most awesome!

So these are my favorites. Heavy on the pink, as per usual, but we have some green and orange, lolol. I rarely have a polish I don’t like, but I try to be picky about what goes on my favorites list (or it would be a really long list). Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!
My heart is heavy for you. I’m glad you have a small outlet in pretty (mostly pink!) polishes, but still – I’m sorry for your loss.
You’ll be in my thoughts.
Thank you so much! I know, mostly pink, I try to branch out but pink is so beautiful, lolol