I got these cool polishes from Color Club. They’re so glittery!! The first one is License to Chill, a beautiful blue.

I love the silvery blue base with the bright blue glitters.

It is really pretty, a great wintery polish!!

I did three coats. Removal was a bit hard because of the glitters, but the scrubby tub makes short work of it!

Then I wore the pink, Freeze Company

Okay the name, first of all- I loved the show Three’s Company, though my mom didn’t “let” me watch it, lololol. And the pink!!! The glitter! The rainbows!

Another three coater that needs to be scrubbed off.

The glitters in these polishes (this whole collection!) is just so awesome!

So awesome! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!