Soooooo, Zoya Maddy is not at all my type of color. But Zoya got me, because my oldest daughter is named Madison, and we’ve always called her Maddy, spelled like this (often we see it spelled Maddie). So of course I had to have it.

It looks okay, but dang the formula was hard to work with!!

I stopped at two coats and then it was just so patchy I had to add a third coat.

It was streaky, patchy and hard to work with. I did a thick third coat to try to smooth things out and cover things up. That did the trick, but it was still a tough formula.

I like the color okay, it’s kind of boring, but if you like this color, try to find a polish in this color that has a better formula! This color isn’t particularly unique, so I’m sure it’s dupable. Unless, like me, you have to have it for the name! LOL.
Then I wore the amazing China Glaze shade, Guava Mama. What an awesome summer color!!

I think this color is the most accurate- these bright neon pinks freak my camera out!

A great formula- allllmost a crelly, but more opaque than that.

I think I did just two coats- if I did three coats it was easy to work with!

I might do my toes this shade for my next pedi!!
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!