Bee's Knees Lacquer, Lollipop Posse, Native War Paints, Noodles Nail Polish

Greens I wore in the beginning of March

Soooo St. Patrick’s Day is loooong gone, lol but I did wear some green manis in honor of it the first couple weeks of March! So here they are! First, and my favorite, is Noodle’s Nail Polish Magically Delicious.

Isn’t this the cutest nail polish ever???

Noodles does crelly polishes so well. This was three easy coats, the formula was great.

Although I have to admit, I hate Lucky Charms.

Wow, not the best picture, but this is really the best polish. I love love love the color combination.

These next few are in no particular order, I liked them all! This is Lollipop Posse (now Garden Path Lacquer) You Hit Like a Vegetarian- a stunning green holo!

Beautiful color, gorgeous holo sparkle! I adore this emerald green shade of green.

It was almost a one coater, but I did two coats. The formula was great- and this polish was one I acquired at the beginning of my collection (in 2015 or so), but waited until now to try!

I feel like this is the perfect emerald green shade.

Then I put on another super old polish that I finally tried- Native War Paints (now called Sovereign Beauty I believe) Patty O’Green.

A super bright green crelly with a slight shimmer.

This is definitely a crelly- this is three coats and you can still see nail line. I don’t mind that at all- and the formula was fine, it leveled out well.

I love the bright green! So fun.

Then I wore Bee’s Knees Lacquer Sea Dragon, a super pretty yellow green shimmery polish.

This covered well in three coats, and I love the gold shimmer in the polish.

The formula was super easy to work with.

Such a pretty color!

So those were my greens for Saint Patrick’s Day! I’m glad I pulled out some super old untrieds, and they were winners!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!