Vanessa Molina makes a great polish, for sure! This is Vanessa Molina Spooky. A gorgeous green!

I actually don’t typically love the coppery flakies, but I do in this base color!

It is pretty sheer, so I did three coats.

It’s a prugly color and perfect for Halloween.

Then Cadillacquer Poltergeist- a tie with Pahlish Glampires for my favorite Halloween polish of this year’s Halloween polishes. It’s an awesome orange base with purple glitters.

I did three coats for opacity and glitter buildup.

Isn’t it perfect for Halloween? And those shiny purple glitters are awesome.

Here’s the closeup, so cool!

Then Sassy Sauce Where’s My Mummy? It’s the first Sassy Sauce I’ve tried, and I really like it!

I didn’t get a great picture of it shifting, I was in a hurry and didn’t take the time, lol.

It’s got those purple and orange flakies that are great for Halloween.

Here’s a closeup in the warm state.

Yay for Halloween! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!