Sometimes you just need a full on glitter bomb.

I tried this in three coats on its own (pointer and middle finger), and over a gray Zoya (maybe Cary?) in one coat.

Look how much glitter comes out in just one coat! And the three coats is pretty much full coverage.

A nice pretty even coat.

Then Color Club Wing Fling. I ~think~ this is the polish I had them use at the nail salon a million years ago when I was first getting into nails, and I searched for it (I guess I forgot to look at the salon!). And of course, it’s a hot pink!

Isn’t it gorgeous??? And the formula was great.

I love the color, I love the shimmer, I love it a lot.

I did three coats. I’m a big fan.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!