I finally picked up Essie Ballet Slippers- if you can see the yellow sticker, I got this at Kohls for like $2, lol. So of course I got it to try.

And yes, it’s streaky for sure! This is three coats- you can see some streaks on the ring finger and pinky.

It’s a pretty neutral polish though, I can see why Queen Elizabeth liked it, lol.

And you can see a little streakiness on the ring finger here.

So it’s not my typical color (hot pink ftw!), but it’s a nice neutral and in three coats, I think the streakiness is minimal.
Then I popped on Essie Petal Pushers. Why is this a gray polish? I would have thought it would be pink, like flower petals? Or like pedal pushers for spring (you know, like capri pants?). But it is a gray polish, and it is a pretty gray.

The formula was great, and this is only two coats, which is great.

Such a nice midtone gray in my collection.

Nice and smooth, a good basic shade.

Then OPI I’m in the Moon for Love. This is more my speed, lololol

Such a beautiful purple with a red lean- and the shimmer is so pretty!

This is three coats and the formula was fine!

I really love this beautiful shade!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!