So last November, on Thanksgiving actually, dd was super sick and we ended up going to an Urgent Care. They were fast, but prescribed a medication that we had to go get (couldn’t wait for later) at the ONLY open pharmacy open, at a Walgreens. So we waited and waited several hours. And while we were looking around we both picked out a nail polish. This is what DD picked out, Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac.
It’s such a pretty light lilac cream. DD has worn it a TON, the bottle is half gone, good thing I tried it when I did, lol.
Great formula, too. Not a scary cream, lol. I did two coats.
Sally Hansen is really a great brand, and of course you can get them anywhere practically!
So a great lilac cream! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!
It looks nice 😀