I know there will be people who need a good dupe for JReine’s Radioactive Nom Nom. I did this comparison awhile ago but never posted it, so here it goes! I
got these two polishes, and they looked very similar, so I decided to compare them! JReine Radioactive Nom Nom and Navni Beauty Da Bomb.

Here they are in bottle shots- the Navni looks a little teeny bit darker.

And it is- the Navni is three coats on the pointer and ring finger, and the JReine is on the middle finger.

They’re both on the sheer side- next time I wear either of them I’ll put a blurring basecoat. JReine on middle and pinky, ring and pointer have the Navni.

A little closer- you can see the JReine also seems a smidge more sheeer, but both are more sheer in pictures than irl.
Do you need both? Nope. They’re different, though. And if you love this color green, like I do, then you’ll be happy to have both in your collection!
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!