No. But I do love these cute bottle tops! And the song Watermelon Sugar (~high~) lol. I’m counting these as Indie polish, as I’m not sure they’re mainstream, but idk.

Vine Ripe, Sprouting, Tender Bud and the topper, The Whole Dewniverse. So I wore all of these creams alone, and then put the iridescent topper over each of them. First up, Tender Bud.

A nice nude, nothing to write home about (but those bottles are adorable!).

I mean, it’s okay with my skin tone, it’s just boring, lol. Then I put the topper, The Whole Dewniverse on.

Can you even tell??? I sure can’t. LOL. I mean, kind of. So here’s a closeup without the topper and with.

I mean, you can see it a little bit…
Then I put on Sprouting, the light green.

And all these creams had the same good formula, two coats for all of them, I think only 2, lol. If I did three, it was still easy.

Then I put The Whole Dewniverse over it.

Again, you can barely tell, lol. Here they are side by side.

You can see it a bit, lol.
Then the red, Vine Ripe. This is my favorite of the collection, and I remember I only did two coats.

This shade is so pretty. It’s almost a soft red, not super duper bright.

Then, with The Whole Dewniverse.

I think the topper showed up best on this polish. Here they are next to each other.

These polishes are hella expensive, like $20 a bottle (though the set was a bit cheaper). And those bottles! So so adorable! But now that I have bought and tried something from the brand, I don’t ever need to buy Pleasing polish again. Unless they come out with an amazing pink. And let’s end with Watermelon Sugar, shall we? And note, he’s wearing nail polish in the video. At least he’s genuine!
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!