Don Deeva Pink Cupcake is such a BUSY polish!! It’s amazing!

It has hex glitters, round glitters, square glitters, bar glitters- but really it wasn’t too thick, which I was worried about!

And I love the rainbow of colors in the light pink base (pink cupcake).

I definitely needed a glitter grabber with this one, but it wasn’t too unruly to work with.

Crazy, right? A very fun polish.
Then I pulled out a very old polish, Ever After Mother of Dragons.

This was a very early flakie polish, and I do like it, but don’t love it against my skin tone.

It’s kind of like a fun neutral, like if you can’t wear funky colors at the office (luckily, I can, lol)

I did three thin coats and the formula was fine, even though it’s quite old! And it has a pretty rainbow of flakies in the base.

Then I wore 77 Lacquer Hope, Strength, Love. This was from the Breast Cancer Awareness box that Hearts & Promises does every year (the maker of Hearts & Promises is a 10 year cancer survivor).

I really liked this polish- I love the color of the base and the assortment of black glitters.

I did three thin coats, and the formula was great. I really like this shade of pink.

I can’t wait for the Breast Cancer Awareness box this year (every year), because it’s so pink heavy and pink is the best, lololol

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!