August was an epic Polish Pickup month! I got 6 polishes and I won an Instagram contest from Indie Swatch’s Instagram! She sent me 4 polishes!!!
So here’s what I got myself.

L-r Illyrian Fun Fair, Fair Maiden It’s So Fluffy, Supernatural Lacquer Haunted Mansion (my all time favorite Disney World ride!).

Quixotic Sunset Swinging, Dollish Polish Small Town Throw Down, Kathleen & Co. Carnival Lights
Here are the ones I won! And they are all perfect for me! LOL

Great Lakes Lacquer Creatures of the Night Brought to Light, Colores de Carol Feather Parade, Femme Fatale Devil’s Wheel, Girly Bits Calypso Rhythm.
Polish Pickup happens the first full weekend of every month (the next one is happening now, September 6-9, 2019) where you can find tons of polish by indie makers that are all based on a theme (like this one was Carnival). It’s such a fun way to get new polishes and try new brands! And shipping is only $3, even if you make multiple orders (you are charged the shipping at first, but when they go to actually ship and see you have multiple orders they refund the other order’s shipping so you only pay once).
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!