This is a bonus post this week, I had it to have it in it’s own post, it’s so beautiful! Oh, oh, oh, this polish is gorgeous. Emily de Molly The Uttermost!

I had a bummer experience with the last Emily de Molly polish I tried, it was a thermal that had gone dead quite quickly, which I know is a risk with thermals but it was still a bummer. But then I got their polish Cute As a Button in July from Polish Pickup rewind, and I couldn’t have it travel to me alone! So I grabbed this one, and boy am I glad!

See that gorgeous shift? Pink to orangy gold??? LOL. Sooo pretty.

I love how it looks coral, then it looks more pink….this is a unique polish in my personal collection. Here are two pictures in the sunlight outside.
I love the shiftiness of this. So often multichromes are some version of blue/green or blue/purple, I love this gorgeous pink and gold!

Here’s the closeup!

Under my bright lights in my light box. Such a gorgeous polish. On my list of faves for 2019!
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!
Stunning polish, love the shift 😀