This is the second P.O.P Polish I’ve tried (the first was Lip Slick, which I love). I wanted to try one of the pastel Slicks, so I popped I’m Dreaming of Slicks (see what I did there??? LOL) on.

This is a really cool polish. The shift is so…..shifty! The pinky purple to the light green is really neat!

I think this picture shows the shift the best- it was really easy to see, no twisting your hands in all kinds of crazy ways to catch it.

And it’s a really pretty pastel!

Here’s the light purple. The formula is great, I did 3 coats. I have to say that I really don’t like the bottles these polishes are in- I feel like they’re unstable when I am polishing my nails, like they’re going to tip over at any second. They are nice and space saving in my melmer, though, lol
One more closeup!

So I do recommend these! Just don’t bump into the bottle when you’re polishing, lol.
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!