First up is Bee’s Knees Lacquer’s Mora, this was a gift on Black Friday with my order. This picture is 4 thin coats.

It was really easy to work with this polish.

You can really see that golden shimmer.
Then I put 2 coats of Mora over 2 coats of OPIs That’s Hula-rious.

It just makes it look a little greener. Here they are side by side- on it’s own on the left, over Hula-rious on the right.
A little more of the yellow shimmer shows through when it’s on it’s own.
Next is Elevation Polish’s Hitsujiyama Park. Elevation doesn’t exist any more, I got this from a destash.

It’s a pinky nude neutral. It was a smidge streaky on application, I did 3 coats, but easily managed.

It has a very slight shimmer in it. I did have to work in thin coats for the best results.
I like this a lot, as far as neutral polishes go, lol.
And MDJ Creations Teal the End of Time, a super pretty teal blue polish.

That pink flash in those blue flakies are so so pretty!

And even with the dense flakies it was a great formula.
Such pretty polishes! I liked the Bee’s Knees a lot more than I thought, especially when I put it over Hula-rious.
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!
I love the shimmer on the green 😀