I have a few Elevation Polish polishes, this is Tronador, a vampy purple.

It has UBS (ugly bottle syndrome)- which never affects the actual polish color or application, but looks weird in the bottle.

A bit of sparkle in them, the formula was fine.

Of course, you can only find Elevation in destashes now.

Then I pulled out Supernatural Hydrosphere.

Glowy white shimmery base with multichrome flakies.

Really pretty shimmer. Again, I’m not into the multichrome flakies as much, but it’s still great.

Supernatural is also not making polish, which is a bummer!

Then I wore Great Lakes Michigan Winter Sunsets. I do not like this on me.

The color is not my jam at all. I only did two coats because I felt like a third coat wouldn’t get to opacity anyways.

I think it’s the slightly orangy green color. It just doesn’t look pretty on my skin tone.

See, not flattering. Pretty shimmer, though.

And the rainbows in the shimmer are super pretty. Just that base color, no thank you. Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!