This is just absolutely stunning!! I adore this shade of coral.

I did three coats, do you SEE the SHIMMER????

This is so pretty, and the formula was fine, quite thin, as is common with these shimmery polishes.

It’s such a super fun color. Here’s the close up! That yellow contrast in the shimmer is so beautiful!

Then Fair Maiden La Dame de Fer. This is soooo pretty!

I am such a sucker for these blues with a pink shimmer!!

I did three coats-in the pictures you can see a touch of vnl, but it was much harder to see irl.

That pink shimmer is just beautiful.

Then I finally wore Vapid Lacquer Whooo Are You. Stunning!

It’s so pretty! Look at that shift, especially in the bottle!

Love the holo flakies in the polish too. Again with the purple shift, I love it!

I did three coats and it was easy to work with.

I am not always a lover of multichrome polishes, but I love this blue/green/purple!
Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!