AEngland, Femme Fatale, Rogue Lacquer, Try More Thursday

Try More Thursday Rogue Lacquer Naked or Not, Femme Fatale Night and Silence, AEngland Transylvania

Okay, I only bought this for the name, but ended up loving this polish! Rogue Naked or Not (a PPU polish, the theme was misheard lyrics).

I typically don’t ~love~ black flakies in polish, but I love them in this polish!

Those iridescent flakies are super cool, it just gives the polish a glowy appearance.

Cat hair appearance! This was three coats and it was easy to work with, the flakies didn’t make it super thick.

The, I put on Femme Fatale Night and Silence- can I just say this is one of the first indie polishes I ever bought and I don’t remember if I ever wore it- if I did, I didn’t record it, so I put it on again!

It’s a cool polish, but not super my style any more. But I can never get rid of it, lol.

I think it’s the base color that I’m not super in love with.

But the flakies are pretty! And the formula is good- I think I bought this in 2015 or 2016.

And the teal is pretty. And then….this STUNNER!! AEngland, Transylvania!

Ooooooh. Practically a one coater, but I did two.

And the rainbows!! And this is just under my camera lights (when I wore this, there was no sun in NC).

It is such a stunning color, so so pretty.

Ugh, this close up! Sooo beautiful! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!