I wanted a gorgeous blue and I pulled out Bee’s Knees Lacquer I’m Mary Poppins, Y’all. Isn’t it gorgeous?

I did three coats and it is sheer, but it’s not so terribly sheer, and of course it looks more opaque in person than on camera.

It’s such a lovely shade of blue! I love the shimmery sparkle in it.

Here’s the closeup.

Then I pulled out a Night Owl Lacquer, Cuddles, Snuggles & Muzzles.

It’s a really pretty burgundy polish with some shimmer and flakies in the base.

It’s really pretty, and the formula was great, no issues at all there.

It’s such a pretty fall/winter color. Here’s the closeup!

Then a new brand to me, Jillybean Lacquer, this is Sea Lavender.

It’s super sparkly! I thought it might not be able to be built up in three coats, but it was fine.

I love those darker glitters in this lavender base. It’s really pretty.

I will definitely buy more from this brand in the future.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!