One of my favorite shades of nail polish with one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs!!! This polish from Glam is beautiful!

I love love love this polish!! The glitter in this just is “mwah” (that was a kissing noise, in case you weren’t sure).

Oooooh, I died of beautiful. I did three coats.

I wish my nails were longer when I wore this!! But, oh, this polish. The formula was great.

I just love the complimentary glitter in this hot pink holoish polish!!! Did I mention I love it?
Then POP and Polished Space Station Quickie. I honestly thought it would be a brighter pink.

It’s pretty, for sure, and I love the shimmer. But I hate the pop bottles (super thin, easy to knock over!) and the brush (a skinny brush, idk if any brushes will replace them, POP is not on the list of what brushes fit what brands that I have from Sephora).

It’s a fun holo polish for sure! I did three coats. The owner of this brand is problematic, so I don’t buy from them anymore, but I do like the polishes I have from them!

Then I pulled out Super Chic Zombie Crush. I had worn this before, but no photographic evidence, lol

I adore these dark red/brown colors in the winter. The formula is great, the color is gorgeous.

The holo is so pretty in the dark base. Really pretty.

You can really see the rainbows on my middle finger. Sooo pretty.

Mmmm. such a good winter polish! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!