Ummmm, can we talk about this stunning polish! Octopus Party Nail Lacquer (OPNL) Taught Red-Handed. Stunning (did I say that already?)

It’s a slightly more orange version of Color Club Wham Pow. A gorgeous cream.

The maker of OPNL, Dave, only sells his polish through is FB page, called The Octosquad.

This was an easy breezy two coater. Beautiful formula.

I got several in real life compliments on this polish!
Then I pulled out a beautiful polish by Prism Polish, I Can’t Fight This Feeling. It’s an REO Speedwagon song that I hate, lol, but I love this polish!

The formula was great, and love this color- pink with a teeny tiny hint of coral.

I don’t have many Prism Polishes as they’re a UK brand- I get them from color4nails. I always check this brand out when I make a color4nails order.

It’s a lovely shade, as I said, and that’s all there is to it, lol.

Then I wore Different Dimension Slow Motion Love Potion.

This is a divine pinky purple shimmer. Just beautiful.

The formula was great! This is three coats, but could probably have been fine in 2.

Her shimmers are really beautiful. I haven’t seen much from this brand lately, I know she got out of a bad domestic situation so she slowed down. I hope she’s able to make beautiful polish again!

All in all some stunners! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!