Black Friday Nail Mail, Dreamland Lacquer, Painted Polish, Pep Nail Vibes

2019 Black Friday Haul part 2! Painted Polish, Dreamland Lacquer and Pep Nail Vibes

I had a BIG order planned for Painted Polish’s Black Friday sale! They don’t do a lot of sales, so I had been making a list of polishes I needed from them and I got 12 during their sale, plus I got their free polish with my order, called Black Friday Warrior. And they’re all amazing.

Black Friday Warrior, Your Seashells are Showing, Mystery Crelly Sept, Stamped in Sugar, Feeling Hexy, Whimsical Wanderlust

Mystery Holo Six, Dirty Thirty, Stamped in Crimson, Sweathers and Spices , From the Pier with Love, Another one, Maples and Moonlight

A purchase I hadn’t planned was Dreamland Lacquer, but dang it, I looked at their website and had to have a couple! I had 3 in my cart, but got cartjacked of the one I really wanted, I can’t even remember what it was now, lol, but still got the other two!

May Flowers and Cauldron of Rainbows. I’m a sucker for pinks and black holos!

Then a new brand to me, Pep Nail Vibes! I saw them on Instagram (follow cutepolishblog! She has amazing swatches and nail art!), so I popped over there for another unplanned purchase, lol.

Snozberries, Neon Xmas and Atlas (their Black Friday polish). I’m excited to try this brand!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!

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