I started buying a few Elevation Polish polishes from destashes. I don’t know if they sell polish anymore, there was some drama (before my nail polish time) around the brand, but I saw this in a destash and bought it because I love tulips. But I really don’t like this polish, lol

It definitely has ugly bottle syndrome, but I’ve never had this actually affect the polish, and it didn’t affect this polish. I never judge a polish adversely for UBS.

It kind of has random glitters. It’s an okay shade of pink, but the formula wasn’t very good at all. Kind of thick and not easy to work with.

You can see the random glitters and the teeny tiny little glitter things that just look more like bumpy polish. It actually looks better in the closeup than it does far away, lol.

I mean, it’s okay, but definitely not my favorite by a long shot.
Live your life with love in your hearts and glitter on your nails!