Essie, Mainstream Mani Monday, Mainstream Nail Polish

Mainstream Mani Monday- Essie City Slicker

I needed a quick mani and this was sitting out- I’d got it on sale somewhere and hadn’t put it away- so I started slapping it on- and it’s a textured polish!!!! It was from their 2019 Concrete Glitters collection.

Can you see the bumpiness? This is after a coat of Smooth Phalanges! I actually don’t mind a textured polish (a la Zoya Pixie Dusts).

This was a two coater, and it wore like iron! But not too bad to get it off with a scrubby tub.

And I really love the color of the polish- a rich pinky berry color!

One more for such a cool polish!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!

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