Mainstream Mani Monday, Mainstream Nail Polish, Sally Hansen Insta-dri

Mainstream Mani Monday-Sally Hansen Insta-dri Mentos

Mentos always reminds me of when I was a CNA in the 90s and I had a patient I would grocery shop for who always had Mentos on her list, lol. I think these were on sale probably on Ulta, they often have Sally Hansen Insta-dri collections on sale.

Here are the ones I picked up.

Here’s Confection Perfection, a pastel pink.

Actually a pretty nice formula for a lighter cream!

Then the pastel yellow, You’re the Zest.

Another great pastel formula. This next picture is a better color representation.

Then Fuchsia Fizz, my fave of course, lol, a metallic pink!

A great pink polish, and a great formula!

And not streaky in the shimmer.

Then lastly, the one that really looks like Mentos, The Freshmaker.

The formula on this was terrible, lololol. I do like the finished look.

The white is pretty milky to let the glitters shine through, but it was super thick and almost gummy.

They have a few more colors that weren’t available, a green called Mint to Be (a bright grass green, not sure where the name came from, lol), Orange You a Peach, and a blue called Peppermint Dandy. Here are a couple galleries.

So a fun collection, and all but The Freshmaker had excellent formulas!!! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!