Mainstream Mani Monday, Mainstream Nail Polish, Sephora Formula X, Uncategorized

Mainstream Mani Monday- Sephora Formula X Hyped

Unfortunately Sephora Formula X isn’t sold anymore- I think you can find them on occasion at TJ Maxx and places like that. I can’t remember where I got this one, I think in a destash, and the color is just so me!

It’s a great color- and it’s MATTE! Of course, that means you can see weird ridges in my nails, lol. BUT THE COLOR!

The bright purple is so pretty.

This is 3 coats, an easy formula.

Wow, you can really see the ridges that I don’t actually see irl, lol!

So then I glossy topcoated it! Soooo shiny! It looks so pretty, truly this color is gorgeous.

Here’s the closeup and you can see the shimmer too. It’s a really great polish. I wonder why they don’t sell it anymore??

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!