Bee's Knees Lacquer, Nail Mail

Nail Mail- Bee’s Knees

I ordered an April Mystery bag on April Fool’s Day, so I got a bonus mystery polish!

So Bee’s Knees does their mysteries in a cool way- each bag has 3 polishes this is directly from their website “A standard bag will have 2 commons and 1 rare1 in 4 bags will swap a common for an epicin 10 bags will swap a common for the legendary polish!”

So these are l-r Giant’s Toe (an epic), E-virus, a rare, and T-virus, a common.

The white polish is called A Mantis Shrimps Favorite Color (apparently, that’s white, lol)- this was the bonus free polish with an April 1 order. I always need a good white!

So I honestly don’t love the colors, but I will use them! We all know I am not a destasher, lol.

I love how they’re doing the mysteries, too, with getting teh rares, epic and legendary polishes. So fun to take a chance! I mean, at the very least you end up with amazing polish!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!