Loud Lacquer, Nail Mail, Nail Polish Haul, Nailed It!

Nail Mail Loud Lacquer and Nailed It

I really love Loud Lacquer and they were having a sale, so I hopped on it! This is a bundle they call Music Fest.

Kapowski, Leia, Wandering Soul, Ninnymuggins.

Then I ordered from Nailed It.I got the whole Howl’s Moving Castle collection.

You Saved Me, May All Your Bacon Burn, My Regards to Howl, The Best Blaze Burns Brightest, and Turnip Head. I took The Best Blaze Burns Brightest on vacation with me and my nephew loved it! We did his nails a couple times (he’s 10), and he picked a different polish for every nail, but that polish was a fave!!!!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!