Nail Mail, Powder Perfect

Nail Mail- My Last Powder Perfects Ever

Powder Perfect is closing up shop, so I made 2 last orders. 60% off, who could resist! Here’s what I got

l-r Guinevere, King Arthur, Morgan LeFay, Excalibur

Osiris, Dead of Night, White and Black stamping polishes and some glass nail files, too, because you really can never have enough glass nail files!



Then they added more stuff so I had to get more stuff, lol. I had missed the Art Deco stamping plate the first time, and then they also found a polish that looked gorgeous, Jealousy, so here are those!








Oh, yeah, also a Halloween stamping plate, because you can never have enough Halloween stamping plates!

Live your life with love in your hearts and glitter on your nails!