Nail Mail, Orly, Wildflower Lacquer

Nail Mail- Wildflower and Orly

Yay! Nail Mai! Wildflower Lacquer did a great polish for Polish Pickup called Don’t Play Koi- which I own and love- and these are polishes that are like that polish (a jelly with tons of flakies)- and the maker did a Candy Koi collection, and I picked up three!

You’re a Lifesaver, Don’t be Jelly, and Shake that Laffy Taffy.

Then I picked up four of the Orly Electric Escape summer collection (plus one that was $5 suggested for me at checkout, lol).

Kaleidoscope Eyes, Synthetic Symphony, Neon Paradise and Artificial Orange. Then Bubbly Bombshell- because it’s gorgeous and it was $5!

Love your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!

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