Alchemy Lacquers, MDJ Creations, Supernatural Lacquer, Try Them Tuesday

Polish I Wore- Supernatural Lacquer Aurify, Alchemy Lacquer Gilded Carnation, MDJ Creations Stay Positive

I miss Supernatural Lacquer! Here’s Aurify.

I love dark polishes with the rainbow flake effect, but this wasn’t my favorite.

It was fine, the formula was good, but just not my fave. Maybe more top coat to get it more shiny? Idk why it was still dull even after top coat.

And the base is a dark, dark blue, though it looks black, I do like the deepness of this polish.

The rainbow effect is super pretty though. Then I wore Alchemy Lacquer Gilded Carnation- I actually bought this from their Etsy shop ages ago!

It’s not actually my style anymore, these flakies in a metallic base, but I loved it then and it was a great introduction to an awesome brand!

It is a cool polish though! And the formula was great, I did three coats.

And I do like the color of the flakies.

Then MDJ Stay Positive.

Looove this pink!! You know I’m a fan, lololol.

It’s so sparkly, too, and my favorite shade of pink.

Pink is always the best, lol. Three coats and it was easy to work with.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!