Fair Maiden Polish

Try Another Thursday- Fair Maiden Polish Hotline Bling

Okay, I was born in the ’70s, and one of my favorite songs from waaaaaaay back was the song Hotline by the Sylvers. My cousin and I even made up a dance to it (I remember like 2 moves, it was a loooong time ago).

This is Fair Maiden Polish Hotline Bling. 

I saw this polish in a destash, and I had to have it just for the name. Also, it’s a hot pink shiny holo! Also, I love Fair Maiden polishes, they are always gorgeous with great formulas.




Here’s a close up, it’s a great polish!   I did 3 coats, but just because I’m becoming a habitual 3 coat polisher. 






One more for fun!







And here is Hotline by the Sylvers. You’re welcome.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!