Holiday Mani, Nail Hoot

Try Another Thursday- Nail Hoot Stars and Stripes Forever

I wanted to show this polish as a throwback to a manicure I wore the Sunday after the 4th of July.

It’s got star and bar glitter in it, and yes, it’s quite chunky. The formula was quite thick, but manageable. I did have to do a little fishing for the star glitter, but it wasn’t hard to get.

I did 3 coats, like I do with glitter crellies, then 2 thick coats of quick dry top coat to smooth everything out.

I know most people aren’t into bar glitter, but it’s super cute in a stars and stripes polish.

I like Nail Hoot polishes, and I love 4th of July polishes (my birthday is July 4, so I need them all!). This is cute and fun for the holiday!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!