Illyrian Polish

Try Another Thursday – on a Friday – Illyrian Polish Prototype 35

This is a pretty blurple multichrome with flakies from Illyrian Polish. I can’t for the life of me remember when I got this, but it’s in the older bottle style, lol.

It’s good at 2 coats. The formula was easy to work with, nothing I remember that was hard to work with.

You can see the flakies, it did make it a little textured, but I did 2 coats of top coat to smooth everything out.

It seemed to have a smidge of holo in it, too. In this picture you can see the shift from a midnight blue to the purple. It was very pretty and shifty! And the added flakes make it even more pretty.

Overall a pretty polish! I don’t remember any shipping snafus with this, but honestly when I order from Illyrian I kind of plan on not having my stuff for awhile, but I order with that in mind so I don’t get annoyed if there are delays.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!