Blush Lacquer

Try Another Thursday- Blush Behind the Curtains Shadow

This is a good polish by Blush, but it’s one of their older polishes and doesn’t have their usual amazing brush, which was a bummer.

It’s a green with a gold shimmer- and here’s the dent in my middle finger again, lol. Just shining away!

It was a great formula, as have been all Blush polishes I’ve tried.

I was bummed about the brush not being the same, but it made me grateful about their current amazing brush, lol.

Here’s the closeup, you can really see the gold in this picture. It’s what gives it the gorgeous glow, I think.

If you like green polish, you should pick this up if you see it in a destash!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!