Holiday Mani, Nine Zero Lacquer

Try More Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have tons to be thankful for, had a delicious dinner, and are doing some fun Black Friday nail polish shopping (Rogue launches their sale tonight, I’m ready! LOL). I wore two polishes from Nine Zero Lacquer, Gingerbread with Stuffed as the accent.

Gingerbread was an untried, I think I got it as she had her sale right before she had her baby. Stuffed I had worn for Thanksgiving back in 2017! I rarely re-wear polishes, but really, is there a more perfect polish than Stuffed??

The formula was great- I was surprised at how jelly like Gingerbread was, it did take the three coats, but I love the depth to that color!

And Stuffed looks like the Stove Top dressing I make for Thanksgiving! LOL. It’s the best AND the easiest, lol.

I love the holo in this brown (with a touch of orange? maybe?). The rainbows are awesome.

And all the glitters of Stuffed- it is a full on glitter bomb in a clear base. Three coats does get it opaque!

So I know I have a lot to be grateful for, and any of you who read my blog, I am grateful you do! Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!