Different Dimension Polish, DRK, JReine, Try Them Tuesday

Try Them Tuesday- DRK All the Pink, Please, Different Dimension Exquisite, JReine Drops of Iris

So, pink nail polish is my absolute favorite. I have a LOT of pinks, lol, with no intention of stopping. So of course, if only for the name, I had to buy DRK All the Pink, Please! Luckily, it is an amazing pink polish!

I did three coats, it was a great formula.

It has holo and some flakies in it, but I wouldn’t consider it a flakie polish, if that makes sense.

It’s a beautiful shade of pink, too. Just a perfect mid-tone.

Then on to an amazing blue, Different Dimension Exquisite. The perfect name for this polish.

That pinky purple shimmer in the blue is just divine! In the pictures, you can see some nail line, but you couldn’t see it irl.

It’s just a beautiful shade of blue.

Then last but not least, JReine Drops of Iris. There have been issues with JReine, so I am not purchasing from the brand anymore, but I am enjoying the ones I already paid for. This is a beautiful polish with a beautiful formula.

Honestly, this is one of the best formulas I’ve ever tried for a white shimmer. Usually they’re terribly thick and practically unmanageable, but this was great.

It’s so soft and pretty, with gorgeous shimmer. I did three coats.

One more picture. Truly a beautiful polish!

All three gorgeous polishes!

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!