Lacquester, Pahlish, Try Them Tuesday

Try Them Tuesday- Lacquester Purplexit, Pahlish The Bell Witch

Lacquester is a brand from the Netherlands, so the only ones I have are when they participated in Hella Handmade Creations or from Color4nails. They’re great polishes! And this is a great purple.

It’s definitely a “blurple” purple, lol. Blurple is blue/purple combined for nail polish newbies.

It has a glow about it that is so pretty! I did three coats of this, it was a smidge patchy on two, but if I’d done a thicker first coat I probably could have done just 2 coats.

You can see the little flecks to this polish, so pretty. I highly recommend this brand if you see them and they’re colors you like!

Then I wore Pahlish The Bell Witch. A neutral with a twist!

A pale pink with gold flakies. Really delicate. Not my usual, lol, but so pretty!

It got a smidge thick, but overall a great formula.

It didn’t give me lobster hands, which was good. Neutrals aren’t my thing as I said, but I do like this one. I got this in a destash I think! I had missed it on Pahlish’s site, hemming and hawing, lol, but picked it up ultimately!

And this may be an older polish, just based on the label- now their logo is pink on their labels.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!

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