Bee's Knees Lacquer, Painted Polish, Polished for Days, Try Them Tuesday

Try Them Tuesday- Polished for Days Esperence, Bee’s Knees Lacquer Papa Yaga, Painted Polish Glazed and Confused

Polished for Days does flakies so well. This is Esperence.

This is such a pretty blue with a purple lean and pink leaning flakies.

I did three coats to build up the flakie goodness.

Can you imagine water this color??? So pretty!

Now on to an amazing orange, Bee’s Knees Lacquer Papa Yaga.

STUNNING. If you like orange polish, you need this. NEED.

That gold shimmer is just so dang gorgeous.

Then a Painted Polish crelly Glazed and Confused. I have never seen Dazed and Confused, but the name is so fun.

This is okay, not my favorite base color. The flakies are pretty, but this just isn’t totally my jam.

It’s very pretty and of course the formula is good as Painted Polish usual.

So it’s pretty but not a fave.

Live your life with love in your heart and glitter on your nails!